Betekenis van:
coal black

coal black
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • steenkolenzwart, steenkoolzwart
  • a very dark black




  1. Coal is not always black.
  2. The raven is as black as coal.
  3. A crow is as black as coal.
  4. Your face is black. Did you come from a coal mine?
  5. The following aggregates apply to hard coal, total and black lignite, brown coal and peat:
  6. [A complex black solid obtained by the heat treatment of low temperature coal tar pitch.
  7. (A complex black solid obtained by the heat treatment of low temperature coal tar pitch.
  8. Pitch, coal tar, low-temp; Pitch residue (A complex black solid or semi-solid obtained from the distillation of a low temperature coal tar.
  9. (A complex black solid or semi-solid obtained from the distillation of a low temperature coal tar.
  10. [A complex black solid or semi-solid obtained from the distillation of a low temperature coal tar.
  11. Pitch, coal tar, low-temperature, heat-treated; Pitch residue, oxidised; Pitch residue, heat-treated (A complex black solid obtained by the heat treatment of low temperature coal tar pitch.
  12. [The product obtained by filtration of coal mineral matter and undissolved coal from coal extract solution produced by digesting coal in a liquid solvent. A black, viscous, highly complex liquid combination composed primarily of aromatic and partly hydro-genated aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic nitrogen compounds, aromatic sulfur compounds, phenolic and other aromatic oxygen compounds and their alkyl derivatives.]
  13. (The product obtained by filtration of coal mineral matter and undissolved coal from coal extract solution produced by digesting coal in a liquid solvent. A black, viscous, highly complex liquid combination composed primarily of aromatic and partly hydrogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic nitrogen compounds, aromatic sulfur compounds, phenolic and other aromatic oxygen compounds and their alkyl derivatives.)
  14. (A complex black solid or semi-solid obtained from the distillation of a low temperature coal tar. It has a softening point within the approximate range of 40 to 180 °C.
  15. (The condensation product obtained by cooling, to approximately ambient temperature, the gas evolved in the high temperature (greater than 700 °C) destructive distillation of coal. A black viscous liquid denser than water.